BingX Contact

How to Contact BingX support

BingX Help Center

BingX has earned the trust of millions of traders from across the globe as a broker. If you have a query, there is a considerable probability that someone else has already asked it, and BingX’s FAQ is rather extensive.

To access the Help Center, go to the assistance area at the bottom of any BingX page (except those for exchange, margin, and copy trading). If you now look up your problem in our Help Center, you can find the solution.
How to Contact BingX support

Contact BingX by Chat

Another method for contacting BingX help is "LiveChat." To use "LiveChat", you must take the following actions.

Step 1: In the lower right corner, click the message symbol.
How to Contact BingX support
Step 2: Click [Customer Support].
How to Contact BingX support
You can now chat with the support
How to Contact BingX support

How to contact BingX by Contact Form

Another way to get in touch with BingX support is to "Send require." You must provide your email address here in order to receive a response.

Step 1: In the lower right corner, click the message symbol.
How to Contact BingX support
Step 2: Choose "Leave Messages"
How to Contact BingX support
Step 3: Enter the information you wish to ask about and submit.
How to Contact BingX support

Contact BingX by Email

Contact BingX through social networks

Social media is an additional method of contacting BingX assistance. then if you have: